HLAB is in town!
In the past few days I had the chance to discover a wonderful educational program that has been taking place in Onagawa in the past few years, it’s called HLAB.
Students, from mainly American universities, gather in Onagawa for a week to lead a group of high school students from Japan in what can be called an immersive week where they get the chance to meet new people and, hopefully, find themselves even more. Each university student is focused on a topic that he/she has knowledge of. Seminars and forums are organised to give the chance to high school students to follow up to four subjects during the week.
The opening ceremony saw important figures from the local and regional government give very inspirational speeches to the kids. I feel profoundly honoured to have had the chance to witness this amazing opening event.
The Ceramika Factory, where I’m currently interning, organised a workshop for about 20 students. After a brief speech from Narumi San, the participants started drawing and painting the tiles. Every one did a superb job expressing their creativity. The tiles will be then used to decorate the memorial wall at Hama Terrace. The event gave me also the chance to collect additional material to add to the final video. Time is ticking!!
Finally, Thursday was dedicated to some hiking with Jules, a French intern currently staying in Ishinomaki, with the purpose of making some videos. This time we were on the other side of the camera starring briefly in a film documentary. I’m again grateful to have joined the production team as I got the chance to meet many inspiring people involved in the media industry.
Translated into Japanese by Dennis Chia

- Hi everyone! My name's Alberto, I'm Italian and currently studying Marketing with Digital media in Edinburgh (UK). I came to Onagawa to learn more about their reconstruction project and also to make a video about a local business - Onagawa Ceramika Factory.
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