A warm welcome.
My third day in Onagawa started off with the usual meeting at the Ceramika Factory aimed at discussing what I’ll be doing during the day. Because of a very busy morning, the original plan changed a bit, but it gave me the chance, once again, to film enough material for my future video and also practice some tile making.
Everyone who works in the shop admitted that I have some skills at doing this, despite the fact that I’ve never done before.
It’s definitely a no-stress job, it’s just yourself and the tile you’re working on. I found it a bit tiring when, after 3 hours with my head down, I started feeling some pain on my back – nothing a should worry about at my age. Should I?
Again, one of the most enjoyable part of the day was lunch: this time I opted for Kamameshi: a rice and seafood based dish served in a small iron pot. I especially enjoyed the slightly burnt rice at the bottom which gave it a nice toasted flavour.
In the evening I attended a Welcome Party organised for me by the Ceramika Factory personnel, it was held at Ribon, a western style restaurant in Onagawa. The food served was really tasty, but what I loved the most was seeing everyone having a good time chatting and introducing her/himself to me and to Dennis.
The event was also an occasion to unveil the new name tags that the staff members will wear while working – they even made one for me!
Due to our last train leaving early in the evening we could not stay as long as we wanted, and we left in a rush just in time to catch it. I will definitely remember this night with joy in my future.
The day after has been another memorable one: I got the chance to be on a Japanese TV show filmed on a boat and starring two comedians.
The fisherman in charge of the boat took us to see how oysters grow and also explained us all the process behind it.
One of the highlights was to see a seabass being served as sashimi to all of us directly on the boat. That was probably the freshest fish I’ve ever eaten in my life and it tasted so good words can’t explain it.
It was such a pleasure to be invited (Thanks Dennis and Fisherman Japan) and experience something you would never imagine before arriving here.
I’m just at the beginning of this experience and I already feel grateful for it!
Translated into Japanese by Dennis Chis
日本語訳: デニス

- Hi everyone! My name's Alberto, I'm Italian and currently studying Marketing with Digital media in Edinburgh (UK). I came to Onagawa to learn more about their reconstruction project and also to make a video about a local business - Onagawa Ceramika Factory.
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